This weekend was CRAZY! Friday night Mallorie decided that she wanted to be super cranky and not go to bed. This is not like her at all. Normally she do the same bedtime routine and it works great she is sleeping within about 30 minutes and she sleeps all night, but not Friday. She was up about every 40 minutes. then we would hold and rock with her and she would fall asleep but when we put her back in her crib she would sleep about 40 minutes and then wake up screaming. She also had a stuffy nose, but no fever. She was also drooling a lot so I think she is really teething now. We had her on motrin/Ibprophen for pain. Then at about 3:30 am I asked My hubby to run to Walgreen's (drugstore) and get some baby Oragel. Then she slept for 2 hours.
I then had to go to my parents house because my mom and I were throwing a surprise baby shower for my sister-in-law. So I have to pack her up and take her along. She did really good I was happy. She even took a close to 2 hour nap at my parents house. She did better Saturday night. I went through the bedtime routine but she just was not ready. I finally put her in her crib and turned on the lullaby machine and hoped that she would go to sleep. I heard her for about 15 minutes but then she got quiet. I went to check on her and she was out. I then went up to bed. Then next time I heard her was at 4 am. Brad got up with her. he gave her more Motrin and gave her part of a bottle and she went back to sleep. He also fell asleep in the chair with her until about 6 am.
Sunday was a MUCH better day. She would not just start to cry at random times and she was much happier. She was back to herself again. Because I had to take a nap before going into work Brad put it her bed. I woke up at 9 pm when he came up to bed and she was out. I pray that things are getting better for her and that she is feeling better. We will see how daycare goes today! (fingers crossed) Mallorie has never been sick so it is really hard to see her under the weather like this. I know that everyone has to go through it but it hard to watch. I have heard that Oragel is not good for babies, I have heard to try cold or frozen fruit in the mesh bags feeders and that many other tricks. Like Hyland tablets. (they numb the mouth I guess I have not tried them.) What are some tricks that you have used?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Weekend
I am so happy!!! I get this weekend off. It has been a while since I have had two days off in a row. My hubby is working Saturday so I am going to have a girl's day with my mom, sister-in-law and niece. Just what I need. I am just ready to get away from work for a little bit. What are your plans for the weekend?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Mallorie loved to watch football with my husband. It is the cutest thing. I dont know why she likes it so much but she will sit there for an hour sometimes and watch a game.
Such a Daddy's girl!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tackle it Tuesday

I got the idea for this post from a really cool Blog that I follow. I will admit that I did not do this on a Tuesday but I am posting it on a Tuesday and I hope that counts. One area of the house that I can not seem to keep clean and organized is Mallorie's room. I finally cracked down and tackled it the other day.
It is much more organized and clean. Check back and my hall closet is next.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Frugal Friday
The other day I was going through all of Mallorie's clothes and putting away the outfits that she has outgrown. I then realized that she had a lot of 6 month clothes but not to many 9 and 12 months. Time to go shopping. I first went to Old Navy. I had gotten a coupon from a co-worker for 30% off. (sorry the picture is blurry) and the World Wildlife Fund gets 5% of what I spent. Win Win!
Here is the outfit that I got at Kohl's. I was looking for a 9 Month size but the only one that they had left was a 12 month. So I grabbed it. I think it will be fine, a little big, but it will work.
So now I have another $10 to spend there next week too! So overall I made $8.80 on my Kohl's trip!
Lastly I went to Target, My favorite store. I only had one thing on my list here, a DVD. But I have had my eye on a swimsuit for Mallorie. I figured with the great deals that I had gotten I would splurge on it. The suit is a 3 piece swimsuit for $12.50. It comes with the top, bottoms, and really cute board shorts. Then while I was walking around the store (Mallorie was falling asleep) I found a cute towel that matched for only $6. I HAD to get it. She is all ready for Summer.
I did not have any coupons for Target but I did get everything on sale. I even got my Hubby a DVD that he has wanted. ($16.99)
There were a lot of clothes on clearance but just not the right size or I did not like them. I did find a couple things that I liked.
The green striped shirt was on clearance for $4.99 and the super cute Romper was $10. Then with the 30% coupon I only paid $11 and some change.
I then headed to Kohl's. I had seen this REALLY cute outfit in their Sunday ad for $10. So I was planning on going this week and getting it. Then when I checked my email this morning I found a COUPON! (Bonus.. I could print more than one and they are good all weekend. We are going back today!)
(take $10 off any in store purchase greater than $10)
I ended up paying $1.20 in tax and that is it. The Kohl's store is remodeling the entire inside so it is kinda a mess but they were having a promotion that if you spent over $20 they would give you a $10 gift card to use that that store only next week.
As I was leaving the store, very happy with my deal, a lady stopped me in her car. She rolled down her window down and asked if I lived around here. I told her I did. She explained that she was from Grand Rapids and would not be back around here next week so if I could use it I could have her $10 gift card. I asked if she was sure and she told me to get something for my baby. (I was carrying her in the carseat!)
So now I have another $10 to spend there next week too! So overall I made $8.80 on my Kohl's trip!
Lastly I went to Target, My favorite store. I only had one thing on my list here, a DVD. But I have had my eye on a swimsuit for Mallorie. I figured with the great deals that I had gotten I would splurge on it. The suit is a 3 piece swimsuit for $12.50. It comes with the top, bottoms, and really cute board shorts. Then while I was walking around the store (Mallorie was falling asleep) I found a cute towel that matched for only $6. I HAD to get it. She is all ready for Summer.
I did not have any coupons for Target but I did get everything on sale. I even got my Hubby a DVD that he has wanted. ($16.99)
My total for Target was $35.49
For all three stores and the bargains that I got was $38.14 with the $10 coupon for next week. I think I did pretty good. What deals have you snatched up lately?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Shopping Day
I think tomorrow I will go shopping for new clothes for Mallorie. I got a 30% off coupon for Old Navy and Gap for this weekend. She is growing out of her 6 months clothes and into 9 month. Here are a few things that I am going to look for spring and summer.


Old Navy:

I am excited to see what I can find in the stores. There is some cute stuff out there. I think I will also go to Carter's and see what deals I can find there. I have a 20% off coupon there. Happy Shopping!
Old Navy:
I am excited to see what I can find in the stores. There is some cute stuff out there. I think I will also go to Carter's and see what deals I can find there. I have a 20% off coupon there. Happy Shopping!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Newest Angel
Yesterday Heaven got a new angel. Brad's Grandma passed away from Brain Tumors. You can read her the story here. She is an amazing woman and will be missed by so many people! But I am happy for Grandma and Grandpa that they are together again. (Grandpa passed away March 21, 2010)
I am just happy that she got to met Mallorie.
Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions. It started out (at 11 p.m. Thursday night when I got up when I left for work) TIRED. I knew the day that I had ahead of me and that I would not be able to sleep until about 8 p.m. Then at work was just a busy STRESSFUL day. Then at 6:30 a.m. my Husband called me at work to tell me that his Dad was at your house watching Mallorie instead of his Mom. (His Mom's mom has inoperable brain tumors and is in Hospice House.) I then started to WORRY that Grandma was not doing well. When I got home I saw Mallorie's smile and I was HAPPY. She has a way of making everything better. Then after my father-in-law left he called me and told me that he had called Brad's mom. I became ANXIOUS. His dad doesn't just call me for no reason. He then told me that Grandma was gone! Instant SADNESS came over me. She was an amazing woman and so many people have love and been loved by her. I then got really NERVOUS. I realized that I would have to call my husband and give him the news. He took it really well and I was RELIEVED. Later int eh day I had a Dentist appointment and because my Mother-in-law was with her family I did not have a sitter to watch mallorie so she came with me. I did not know how it would go with her. But when I got to the appointment she was sleeping and I was HOPEFUL that she would stay that way. That nap lasted about 15 minutes, just long enough to get the x-rays. But when she woke up she just played in her carseat and looked around. She sat there for about a hour and was just content. So of the office staff came into the room to check and see if they were needed to "entertain" her. All of them commented on how good she was and pointed out her beautiful blue eyes. I could not be more PROUD! After naps (I took one too!) and just the daily household chores were done Brad got home. I was HAPPY to see how well he was taking the loss. We got to talking about Grandma and how amazing she was. I then told him that the first thing that popped into my mind when his dad told me that she was gone was Grandpa. (10 days from now is the 1 year anniversary of his death) I told him that I could just picture Grandpa waiting for Grandma up in heaven. and when he saw her he got that big grin on his face and his arm streached out to her. That thought really put me at EASE knowing that they were together again. At 8 p.m. I laid down for a nap before work and I was just thinking about the day and about Grandma. As I laid in bed i realized how GREATFUL I was to have had Grandma Peters in my life and hope I can be half the woman she was!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
This is Brad's Grandma holding Mallorie in the hospital right after she was born.
I cherish these memories. On December 31 we found out that his Grandma has inoperable brain tumors. over the past few months she has really gone down hill. She started by repeating herself a lot or forgetting why she got up and went to the kitchen. Just little things like that. Then she moved into the Hospice House in Holland. (They are AMAZING!) As the tumors grew she began to lose her eyesight on her right side. But she was is great spirits and seemed to know what was going on. Then she took a turn for the worse. they are keeping her sedated and can slip into a coma at any time. I know that this what is best for her because she is in a lot of pain but it is really hard to see her that way. She is such an amazing woman and a real role model and someone to look up to. I have only know her for almost 10 years but I feel like I have known her forever. She is so sweet and always thinking of others. She is someone that I thrive to be like. She will truly be missed but you can believe that we will tell Mallorie (and future kids) about her. She is truly loved and I can not wait for her to meet Grandpa up in Heaven. I wish I could see that reunion!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Menu Monday

Monday: Grilled Chicken, Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower, Grands Biscuits
Tuesday: Meatballs over rice
Wednesday: Fish Pattys, Green Beans
Thursday: Spaghetti, Garlic Bread
Friday: Possibly eat out? or leftovers
Saturday: Pizza
This week I did not buy groceries so I am just going with that I have in the house. I promise that next week I will have more recipes and be more organized.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
New Baby Food
I am going to start making Mallorie some new baby foods. She has loved every food I have made so far. I am thinking about making Mango, Avocado, Sweet Potatoes, and maybe pears if I get time. I found a GREAT website that has a lot of great recipes and ideas. I will let you know how it goes and if she likes the new foods.
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