I feel like it was just yesterday that she was born. I love watching her grow and learn new things everyday. She definitely is starting to get her own personality. She just started her fourth daycare (Long story) and is adjusting well. Her new daycare provider told me the other day that she is VERY impressed with how advanced she it. (not to brag!) She is talking a lot and will repeat anything you ask her to. Some of her favorite things are:
Her Blanket!!!! She has loved it from day one and we do not go ANYWHERE with out it.
She like football...especially watching it and eating popcorn with Daddy!
She likes "bites" and her sunglasses. If the sun is out and possibly in her eyes she asks for them.
We are lucky we live so close to the beach! she could spend all day there.
She is an animal lover,
A girly girl at times,
A tomboy at others. (Catching Toads)
She LOVES her Carter! They are best buds!
She loves to look at books and have us read to her.
She loves all of her cousins but Lewis is her favorite! From day one these two have had a special bond and are just drawn to each other.
I am so excited to see what Mallorie's future has in store for her. But for now We are soaking up everyday minute and just cherish these times! She is such a joy to us and can not imagine our lives without her.
Happy Birthday to Mallorie! What a sweetheart she is. :)