~Although she was born a big baby at 9 lbs. 13 oz. she is now 22 lbs. 5 oz.
~She is now 33.5 inches long
~She can say "Mama", "Dada", "Da" = dog, "baba" = bottle, and "Yeah"
~If she hears a dog barking outside she will say " Da"
~If our dog Carter is drinking she can imitate him. (See here )
~ if you ask her if Carter is a good boy she will pat him
~She can stack her rings (See here)
~She can put on her "prettys" aka necklace
~Ask her what a cow says and she will say " Booooo" = Mooooo
~She has taken 7 steps and is walking more and more everyday
~Anything with buttons is a cell phone and will go up to her ear
~She gives kisses
~ She will blow kisses
~She points at what she wants
~ Can do how big is Mallorie? Then she raises up her arms
~she can sign "please"
~she can clap
~ if you say "Oh Man" she will put her hand on her forehead
~ if you sing "if you are happy and you know it" she will clap her hands
~She loves to dance whenever there is music on
~ We have switched her to milk and off of formula
~ she has mastered sippy cups
~ She LOVES her blanket
~ she also loves her Paci when she sleeps
~ and she can not get enough of her dog Carter
~ She sleeps all night and takes 2 naps on most days
She is such a joy in our lives and we love to watch her grow. the other night she was full of it and just making us laugh and my hubby said "She is just pure love!" and that really does sum up Mallorie. She is a happy, laid back, and loving little girl.
Pretty girl
Cuddle time with Carter
Starting to walk!
She is just adorable! Happy Birthday to Mallorie!