This is a shot of the table and some of the decorations before all of the food was out. (I was to busy to get one with all of the food out.) I loved the idea of putting the silverware in mason jars decorated with ribbon. I also made her garland.
I used pool noodles that I found at the dollar store. I cut them about an inch thick and then strung them together with clear thread. I love the was that it turned out and Mallorie loved to play with them after the party. I also decided to make her cake. I spend a lot of time baking the cake and had big plans for it. It was going to be a big daisy with Mallorie's cake in the middle part of the flower and a 9 inch round cake cut into sections (like a pie) for the petals. The recipe called for me to frost each section of the cut 9 inch round cake that I had cut. That was harder that I thought it would be. the frosting pulled the cake apart and it was just a mess. So at about 11 p.m. I cleaned up and just went to bed. I decided to just make cupcakes for everyone else and still use the middle part for Mallorie's cake.
I got the idea for these from a blog that I follow. In the end I LOVE the way that the cupcakes and Mallorie's cake turned out. Mallorie loved her cake too!
She has such a fun day filled with friends, family, good food, presents, and celebrating.
I can not believe how quickly this year has gone and that my baby is one. She is such a joy in our lives and can not imagine it without her. Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
Everything looks so cute! I love your garland idea and the cupcakes turned out adorable. I love the different varieties you made.