Friday, November 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for my parents.  Growing up we would go camping a lot.  I have so many good memories from that.  We also took some big trips.  The biggest was a three week trip to California.  We hit all of the major landmarks on the way.  They have also ways supported me in everything that I have wanted to do from sports and activites in high school to going to the Police Academy to become a Police Officer.  They have helped us out so much.  I took a loan from them when I was in college and they let me work off my payments by working for my dad.  I now have them paid off and feels great to not owe them money.  I am still cleaning with my dad and while I do my mom watches Mallorie for us.  I know as she gets older they will spoil her more and more.  They love to spend time with us and are always there if we need something.


1 comment:

  1. Awww...thanks, Kalli! Love to you, Brad and Mallorie!

